The "7-year-itch" of career: to change or not to change, you should ask yourself these 3 questions
As cross-culture professionals, non-native speakers in a foreign country, our job & career opportunities are sometimes more limited, due...
The "7-year-itch" of career: to change or not to change, you should ask yourself these 3 questions
3 words I have taken away from 2020
Re-invent your self: Episode #2 - Find your building blocks
Re-invent yourself: dialogues among coaches
来德国红锦鲤社区Ladies Happy Hour,扩充职场人脉,认识一些有趣的灵魂
What teeth cleaning and personal growth have in common?
你愿意跟我一起,建立在德国的女性互助社区 -- “红锦鲤社区”吗?
深入了解 coaching 教练对谈: 教练对谈到底是什么?